I’m giving another online stream about how much of a massive nerd I am this afternoon at 3:30pm (Melbourne time) via Zoom, for the LAST Conference. Everyone’s welcome, so if you missed it last week now’s your chance to learn a little more about the person that emails you every day.

In This Issue


0-day in iOS default email client has been floating around for years unknown and unpatched

A flaw in multiple versions of the Mail app in iOS has apparently been used to attack the devices of "high-profile targets" (e.g: journalists, business execs, MSPs, etc) according to ZecOps. A hacker sends off a malicious email to a target and when they open the email it'll "run code in the context of the default mail apps, which make it possible to read, modify, or delete messages". ZecOps also reckons hackers are chaining up this exploit with others that allow for full control over the device. The flaw is patched in the latest iOS beta (13.4.5) and can be mitigated by using alternate email app such as Gmail or Outlook.

NSW starts spending $100m to build fibre & fixed wireless networks in regional areas

The NSW state government has thrown $100m towards the "Gig State" project designed to build new internet infrastructure for regional areas the NBN left behind. The first areas to get attention will be Dubbo, Wagga Wagga, Parkes and a corridor west to Cobar. A tender process has kicked off and aims to start handing out cash to ISPs later this year. According to the tender, government wants residential services as well as business services with 100/100 and 250/250 services made available and retail pricing of ~$100/m for 100/100. Just goes to show how much of a failure the NBN is.

Zoom & Google Meet get major updates to improve security & quality

Zoom got a big update overnight. Stronger encryption, more host controls (can report users for being pricks), the waiting room is now on by default as are meeting passwords and passwords to access cloud recordings, and the ability to opt-out of using Chinese servers. Google has also given a big update to its Zoom competitor - Meet. You can now view up to 16 people at once in tiled view, the ability to share a single Chrome tab instead of the window or entire screen, a new "low-light" mode that uses AI to make the picture suck less (only on mobile devices at the moment) and will add voice cancellation soon.

Not News

Charge your Mac using the right USB-C port or you’ll experience high CPU load for no particular reason

Someone asked the Apple section of Stack Exchange why when charging their MacBook Pro they experience such high CPU usage of the kernel_task process in macOS. The answer appears to be "due to high chassis temperature caused by charging. In particular Left Thunderbolt port usage". At first read that sounds like using the USB-C port closest to the CPU means the heat from the USB-C port impacts the CPU's temp so the CPU throttles itself, but no, it's something to do with the actual kernel_task process as the CPU doesn't appear to be reducing clock speed. I'd love to know what the fuck is going on here, but in the meantime use the right USB-C port to charge your Mac.


🎶 Set Fire to the Face on Fire - The Blood Brothers

😁 The Sizzle is curated by Anthony "@decryption" Agius and emailed every weekday afternoon. Join us on Slack and chat with other Sizzle subscribers.

The Sizzle is created on Wathaurong land and acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Australia, recognising their continuing connection to land, water and community. I pay my respect to them and their cultures and to elders both past and present.​